Today's Share Price

Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL)

Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd. (MKCL) was established by the Department of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra. It was incorporated on August 20, 2001 and its head office is at Pune. The Company caters to the Education sector. MKCL is committed to bridging the knowledge divide in society by providing world-class learning facilities to the masses via the digital mode.

The Company is implementing the Skills Development Program under Bihar Skill Development Missions (BSDM) where it has opened up learning centers in Bihar under the under “Kushal Yuva Program”. The Company has maintained a consistent track record of paying dividends every year to the Government and other stakeholders right from its inception. MKCL is a debt-free and cash-rich Company and there are no exorbitant long-term borrowings. The State Government is a major stakeholder in MKCL.

The Company has established about 5000+ authorized learning centers under its unique public-private community partnership framework. This gives a positive indication that the company is growing at a healthy pace and will grow in the future owing to the fourth industrial revolution and adoption of Artificial Intelligence in digital platforms.

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*Disclaimer: Investors should consider certain risk factors such as wide bid ask spread, delay in expected IPO, change in underlying business fundamentals impacting adversely on original investment rationale, security becoming further illiquid due to demand/supply imbalance and IPO floor may turn out to be lower than investors expectation.