Today's Share Price

Indofill Industries Limited

With six decades of industry experience, Indofil Industries Limited (Indofil) is one of the largest players in the Agricultural Chemicals as well as Industrial Chemicals segment. As part of Modi Enterprises, Indofil has established a strong domestic as well as international presence, covering more than 120 countries in the world. Leveraging its well-equipped manufacturing infrastructure, result-oriented Research & Development team, and excellent domestic and international distribution network, Indofil strives to improve customer proximity while accelerating growth. Indofil is part of about $ 1.5 billion Modi Enterprises that spans business across diverse sectors.

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*Disclaimer: Investors should consider certain risk factors such as wide bid ask spread, delay in expected IPO, change in underlying business fundamentals impacting adversely on original investment rationale, security becoming further illiquid due to demand/supply imbalance and IPO floor may turn out to be lower than investors expectation.