Today's Share Price

Hero FinCorp Ltd.

Hero FinCorp limited, incorporated in December 1991 as Hero Honda FinLease Limited, has become one of the fastest growing NBFCs in India. Hero Fincorp has a strong promoter holding of 79.86% and is a subsidiary of Hero MotoCorp Limited. It has an of Asset under Management (AUM) is ₹ 25.636.41 Crs, as on 31st March, 2020. It has a long term rating of CRISIL AA+/Stable and a short term rating of CRISIL A1+ on the debt instruments and bank facilities of Hero FinCorp Limited (HFCL) as at February 2020.

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*Disclaimer: Investors should consider certain risk factors such as wide bid ask spread, delay in expected IPO, change in underlying business fundamentals impacting adversely on original investment rationale, security becoming further illiquid due to demand/supply imbalance and IPO floor may turn out to be lower than investors expectation.