Today's Share Price

HDB Financial Services Ltd.

HDB Financial Services limited, incorporated in 2007, has become one of the largest NBFC’s in India, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of HDFC bank. . It provides financing, collection, and insurance services in India. It has a strong product line which includes secured and unsecured loans, personal and business, doctor’s, auto, gold, new to credit, enterprise business, consumer durables, construction equipment, commercial vehicle, and tractor loans. The company also provides loans against property, life insurance policies, KVP/NSC, mutual funds, bonds, and lease rentals, as well as credit card balance payment loans.

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*Disclaimer: Investors should consider certain risk factors such as wide bid ask spread, delay in expected IPO, change in underlying business fundamentals impacting adversely on original investment rationale, security becoming further illiquid due to demand/supply imbalance and IPO floor may turn out to be lower than investors expectation.