Today's Share Price

Dalmia Refractories Limited

Dalmia Refractories Limited (DRL), founded in 1973, is a part of one of India’s oldest business conglomerates, Dalmia Bharat Group which is also into manufacturing of Cement, Power Plant and Sugar Plants. It is a pioneer in High Alumina refractory bricks for the Indian Cement Industry and is India’s second largest manufacturer of high-grade refractory products. It is into a Joint Venture with Slovenian company Seven Refractory to form Dalmia Seven Refractory. Its Long-term bank facilities has a CARE rating of A- and its Short Term Bank Facilities has a CARE rating of A2+.

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*Disclaimer: Investors should consider certain risk factors such as wide bid ask spread, delay in expected IPO, change in underlying business fundamentals impacting adversely on original investment rationale, security becoming further illiquid due to demand/supply imbalance and IPO floor may turn out to be lower than investors expectation.